Thursday, September 20, 2012


Ian and Carina!
This week was practically all a break; we didn't start class until Thursday. So what is there to do for adventure hunters in the greater Kansai area? Um, nomihoudai karaoke time! (all who want to come to Japan, remember that first word. Nomihoudai means all you can drink for the price of included. AKA Alcohol buffet!)

Tobi and Craig
Miss Carina organized the whole thing. Everybody met in Imazu, and there was a good group of us. Tobi, Ian, Craig, Jeanette, Carina, Chris, and myself all came to party.

However there was an hour wait, so we went to some cheap (sorta) burger joint and hung out, and I learned that I am among fellow nerdlings. Craig and I are practically the same person but on different scales, Tobi is my Norwegian twin (yes we did recite the Green Lantern Oath together from memory), Ian is the wandering Australian musician/swordsman, and all the girls are just sweet peas. Ian does Iyado (?), which in my understanding is the art of drawing and sheathing the katana while making the kill and cleaning the blade as quickly and efficiently as possible. Totally gonna try and get into this with him in Osaka on one of these Friday nights.

After we waited in the burger joint, we went back to the place and began the singing and the drinking. The drinks were mostly soda, but dang they were good. I just wish they had more punch to them because my self conscious button was being pushed a little bit xD

Definitely was one of the only ones who couldnt read furigana and hiragana at the speed of song, so I stuck with the classics: Sinatra, Stevie Wonder, and yes, because I AM Texan, Garth Brooks. However I was the only one who knew that song, so I had a stiff oolong chu hai after that one. The best songs were Queen's greatest hits, though. That whole joint shook from the volume of Gaijin belting out Queen, followed by our amazing musical yojimbo, Ian, channeling Steven Tyler so well it would bring tears to your eyes. It was a fantastic night.

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